Regarding the legal consequences of making a sale and purchase deed that is not read by a notary/PPAT in front of all parties


  • Aldo Kasan Awali
  • Ani Rahyuni
  • Siska Febiana


Sale and Purchase Deed, Notary, PPAT, Unread


This research investigates the implications of not reading out the legal consequences of a sale and purchase deed prepared by a Notary/PPAT in front of the concerned parties. It employs a descriptive approach, drawing from various literature sources such as books, research findings, journals, and articles. The study underscores the Notary/PPAT's responsibility to orally communicate the deed's content to the involved parties. Failure to do so diminishes the deed's authenticity. Although the deed remains legally valid regarding the transaction, its authenticity suffers, liking it to an underhand deed. Consequently, Notaries/PPATs who overlook this obligation may face sanctions as per the relevant ethical codes for their negligence.


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How to Cite

Aldo Kasan Awali, Ani Rahyuni, & Siska Febiana. (2024). Regarding the legal consequences of making a sale and purchase deed that is not read by a notary/PPAT in front of all parties. Journal of Law Research Dynamics, 1(1), 22–28. Retrieved from