Diplomacy Marine Culture and Conservation in the Coral Triangle for Build Regional Cooperation Bridge
Coral Triangle, Diplomacy Culture, Regional CooperationAbstract
The Coral Triangle is a region located in the western Pacific Ocean which is famous for its extraordinary natural riches and abundant coral reefs. The diversity and abundance of life as well as the high concentration of coral reefs make the Coral Triangle known as the "heart" of the world's coral reefs. This article discusses the importance of coral reef conservation in the Coral Triangle region and how cultural diplomacy can be used as a tool to strengthen regional cooperation in coral reef conservation efforts. This research uses a literature study approach by utilizing previous research and identifying gaps in knowledge that still need further research. The aim of this research is to understand the role of cultural diplomacy in preserving coral reefs in the Coral Triangle region. Research findings show that cultural diplomacy can contribute to coral reef conservation through international collaboration, raising awareness, and preserving traditional knowledge and practices. Cultural diplomacy can also help address ecological and economic challenges in the Coral Triangle region through regional cooperation and sustainable tourism practices. The implication of this research is that cultural diplomacy and regional cooperation can help preserve local cultural heritage and maintain environmental sustainability in the region Coral Triangle, as well as the importance of regional cooperation in managing and protecting coral reef ecosystems.
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