Leverage Digital Technology to Strengthen National Defense


  • Yuanita Nurindah Fatkhayati
  • Alyacitra Eka Dewi
  • Alif Fatul Mega Nenda


Digital Era, Distribution Information, Pancasila


Development technology moment This own impact significant to life humans, especially with appearance possible internet connection access easy to various information as well as Internet use as tool help in work daily. However, along with development This, a problem also arises spread invalid information, incl​ news fake and content that can be break split public as well as threaten state integrity. Study This use approach descriptive analysis with method juridical normative through studies bibliography. Research result show that in the digital era, many individuals who misuse the internet and digital media to spread information fake, content provocative, and infringing content Pancasila values. Phenomenon This can threaten unity and integrity of the country. Therefore​ that is necessary awareness For become literate digitally, where society must capable manage and filter information obtained​ from digital media with wise. This matter important as effort For guard the integrity of the country as well strengthen Spirit defend the country.




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How to Cite

Yuanita Nurindah Fatkhayati, Alyacitra Eka Dewi, & Alif Fatul Mega Nenda. (2024). Leverage Digital Technology to Strengthen National Defense. Journal of Progressive Law Research, 1(1), 01–08. Retrieved from https://law.ifrel.org/index.php/JPLR/article/view/18