The Islamic Perspective on Pancasila as the Foundational Ideology of the Nation


  • Faradiva Wieke Prasasti
  • Indah Mauludia Eka Saputri
  • Mohamad Katra Saputra


Pancasila, Islam, State Ideology


Study This aim for analyze the role of Pancasila as deep state ideology Islamic perspective. Pancasila, as the basis of the Indonesian state, includes principles basics covered​ values social, political and religious. In context this, the Islamic perspective holds important role​ Because majority The Indonesian population adheres to Islam, and this religion own great influence​ in life they. Study This explore connection between Pancasila and Islamic values, as well How both of them can synergize for create ideology inclusive and sustainable national.​ Analysis method documentaries, interviews, and research document used in study This for get more understanding​ deep about Islamic perspective on Pancasila. Research result show that there is suitability between Pancasila values and Islamic values such as justice social, solidarity and humanity. However, there are also differences view in application and interpretation values the. Study This give important insight​ about how Pancasila can be interpreted in Islamic context, which greatly influences identity ideology Indonesian nation. Additionally, research​ This is also research implications political and social from connection between Pancasila and Islam, as well impact to pluralism and harmony social in Indonesia.




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How to Cite

Faradiva Wieke Prasasti, Indah Mauludia Eka Saputri, & Mohamad Katra Saputra. (2024). The Islamic Perspective on Pancasila as the Foundational Ideology of the Nation. Journal of Progressive Law Research, 1(1), 33–42. Retrieved from