Implementation Implementation Licensing Try for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the City of Surakarta Through Online Single Submission Risk Bassed Approach


  • Wijaya Kusuma
  • Hatta Mabruri
  • Winda Mustika


Licensing​ Business, Micro, Small Enterprises and Intermediate, Online Single Submission Risk Bassed Approach (OSS-RBA)


Importance licensing try as legality is embodiment valid permits​ in a way law given by government to perpetrator business For operate his business in a way official . Birth Constitution Create Work give birth to system licensing tried the previous one load system Online Single Submission version 1.1 later developed become risk-based approach /RBA or based on level risk effort that will executed . As for Objective from study This To use know implementation licensing try for Surakarta City MSMEs through Online Single Submission Risk Bassed Approach . Method study This is study law juridical empirical And use approach qualitative . In study This use types of primary data and secondary data . Primary data obtained that is originate from method interviews conducted at the Department Capital Investment and Service Integrated One Surakarta City Door . Then supported by secondary data obtained​ from ingredients References . There is convenience in OSS-RBA system , often experience error system or the server is down so hinder objective convenience licensing try , be barrier perpetrator business For publish permission his business with fast . Obstacle the make perpetrator business difficulty moment want to enter ( login ) or do registration on the OSS page that creates NIB is not direct rise . And lots of it perpetrator ongoing business​ Confused about process flow for using OSS-RBA and Still blind with internet technology . However , aside constraint The Surakarta City DPMPTSP carried out various effort For increase quality service licensing doing business in the city of Surakarta.




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How to Cite

Wijaya Kusuma, Hatta Mabruri, & Winda Mustika. (2024). Implementation Implementation Licensing Try for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the City of Surakarta Through Online Single Submission Risk Bassed Approach. Research Journal of Law Studies, 1(1), 24–30. Retrieved from