Focus and Scope

The focus and scope of Research journal of Law Theory and Practice generally revolve around the study of legal principles, frameworks, and their real-world applications in global affairs. Here’s a breakdown of its main aspects:

Focus of Law

  1. Legal Principles & Norms – Examines the fundamental concepts, such as sovereignty, jurisdiction, and state responsibility.
  2. Sources of Law – Treaties, customs, general principles, judicial decisions, and scholarly writings.
  3. Actors in Law – States, international organizations, non-state actors (NGOs, corporations, individuals).
  4. Dispute Resolution – Mechanisms like the International Court of Justice (ICJ), arbitration tribunals, and diplomatic negotiations.
  5. Human Rights & Humanitarian Law – Protecting individuals during peace and conflict through conventions and courts.
  6. Environmental & Trade Law – Regulating global trade (WTO law) and addressing climate change (Paris Agreement, etc.).
  7. Use of Force & Security Law – Governing military interventions, self-defense, and UN Security Council actions.

Scope of Law: Theory vs. Practice

  • Theoretical Scope:
    • Philosophical foundations (e.g., natural law vs. positivism)
    • Relationship between international and domestic law
    • Theories of compliance and enforcement
  • Practical Scope:
    • Case studies on state compliance
    • Role of international courts and tribunals
    • Influence of geopolitics on legal decisions
    • Legal responses to global crises (pandemics, wars, cyber threats)