Analysis of How Maxim is Responsible in a Partnership Agreement in Gorontalo City


  • Eka Rina Febriyani
  • Jenni Febbiyanti
  • Muhammad Daffa Mahendra


Accountability, Maxim, Partnership Agreement


This research is motivated by the problems that occurred on Maxim's side in 2023, namely the drivers who demanded Maxim's policies which were considered detrimental. The existence of this problem attracts researchers to carry out research related to the form of maxim's accountability to the driver in the partnership agreement. The approach in this research uses empirical legal research, which is research that examines factual contact on every particular event that occurs in society in order to achieve the specified goals. The result of this study is the form of legal protection given by Maxim to the drivers, namely legal protection in the form of accident insurance by the Indonesian Driver Sehat Sejahtera Foundation (YPSSI) which is borne directly by Maxim and the accountability given by maxim, namely in the form of providing good services in the functional process of the application and carrying out the obligations stated in the agreement text between Maxim and the Driver.


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How to Cite

Eka Rina Febriyani, Jenni Febbiyanti, & Muhammad Daffa Mahendra. (2024). Analysis of How Maxim is Responsible in a Partnership Agreement in Gorontalo City. Research Journal of Law Theory and Practice, 1(1), 11–17. Retrieved from